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Breast Cancer.jpg
Did you know ?
Detecting Cancer early is vital to saving your life?
Take Control.
Its in your hands
Non-Invasive Cancer Screening
Now available in Kuwait

Precision Molecular Diagnostics…
for the big picture

This Pandemic has changed the way we Live, Think and Act.

Kuwait Stats


Physicians per 10,000 Population


Kuwaiti Doctors as % of Total


Kuwaiti Physicians needed by 2025

We Focus on
Life Changing and Debilitating Diseases

Those which effect both patients and their families including: Cancer, Mental Health, Alzheimer's Disease, Cardiovascular Disease and Auto-immune Diseases – Connective Tissue Disorders.

Mother Playing with Baby
DNA Chips

We Rely on
The Most Advanced
“omics” Technology

Platforms that investigate hundreds to tens of thousands of molecular biomarkers to detect disease signatures at the molecular level.

We Work with
Only the
 Best in Diagnostics

International molecular diagnostic lab partners with the highest levels of accreditation to offer clinically validated solutions.

Science Lab
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