What if
there was a way for you to
Take control?
LifeomicsDx for Patients
Nearly 70% of deaths worldwide are due to non-communicable disease (NCD) directly or their related complications including Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Chronic Lung Disease.
In addition, other non-communicable diseases like Mental Health, Alzheimer’s’ Disease, Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Tissue Disorders severely impact quality of life for individuals and pose a significant burden for caregivers including families and communities and threaten to overwhelm health systems.

While the rise of NCDs has been driven primarily by four major external risk factors: tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets we cannot ignore the internal risk factors i.e., genes that pre-disposes us to various diseases.
One of the most important ways of reducing deaths arising from NCDs is to control unhealthy lifestyle choices that lead to their development. Beyond prevention methods, management of NCDs is critical. This includes screening, accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment management of the disease.
This is the promise
of Precision Molecular Diagnostics
…for the big picture
For more details, check out our dedicated pages for Non-Communicable disease Solutions below